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Hooray - the sun is shining!

(23 posts)
  • Started 13 years ago by brenda midgley
  • Latest reply from brenda midgley

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  1. What a joyful start to the morning - the sun is shining and after lunch I might go and have a poke around in the back garden (the sun will move round to it by then)to see what's what. The garden has been looking dreadful since before Christmas so the urge to start tidying and livening it all up ready for Spring is really stirring me up!. Surprising how a little bit of sun seems to accentuate all colours - reminds me of the line from the hymn "Be still, for the glory of the Lord is shining all around". Mind you - it's shining on my grubby windows as well, and there ain't nothing glorious about those I can tell you!

    Have been pressing on with a bit of stitching each afternoon as well, now the afternoon light is lingering around for a bit longer each day I have been getting in a bit of serious 'me' time to stitch.

    I have received the literature re the NEC Sewing for Pleasure so I will be sending off for my advance ticket any time now. May see some of you there. We girls need a bit of time to run away from the dishes and washing don't we. Speaking of which it's coming up to lunchtime so I must go and do the Nigella bit in the kitchen. Pity I can't send Geoff off to Christine Berrett's really - I've had an e-mail from her this morning bragging about making her own home made lasagne - right down to pasta sheets as well! Honest to God I don't know whether to admire her or make her go and lie down with a cold compress on her forehead. That sort of enthusiasm for the kitchen should be squashed at birth. I just love her to bits. Marks and Spencers Christine - never heard of them!!

    Posted 13 years ago #
  2. Christine Berrett

    Brenda Midgley! I was not bragging - just pointing out that I wouldn't be first in the queue if they were handing out 'food replacement pills'. Fact is, I enjoy cooking (well, mostly), and I enjoy eating (well, all the time), which is how come I'm a bit overweight :o((

    btw, heard any good jokes lately?

    Posted 13 years ago #
  3. I'll just say two words to you chum - HAM SANDWICHES!

    Posted 13 years ago #
  4. Christine Berrett

    Talking of which...

    "A Roman Catholic priest and a rabbi were sitting next to each other in an airplane.

    After a while, the priest turned to the rabbi and asked, 'Is it still a requirement of your faith that you not eat pork?'
    The rabbi responded, 'Yes, that is still one of our laws.'
    The priest then asked, 'Have you ever eaten pork?'
    To which the rabbi replied, 'Yes, on one occasion I did succumb to temptation and tasted a ham sandwich.'
    The priest nodded in understanding and went on with his reading.

    A while later, the rabbi spoke up and asked the priest, 'Father, is it still a requirement of your church that you remain celibate?'
    The priest replied, 'Yes, that is still very much a part of our faith.'
    The rabbi then asked him, 'Father, have you ever fallen to the temptations of the flesh?'
    The priest replied, 'Yes, rabbi, on one occasion I was weak and broke with my faith.'
    The rabbi nodded understandingly and remained silent, thinking, for about five minutes.

    Finally, the rabbi said, 'Beats the s**t out of a ham sandwich, doesn't it?"

    ... made us laugh, anyway

    Posted 13 years ago #
  5. Christine Berrett!! - Admiration and respect - I would never have been brave enough to do this! - at least they all know now what this daft conversation has been about (and I bet they all laughed too!)

    Posted 13 years ago #
  6. Brigitte Gant

    The urge to go and poke about in the garden is a rare one for me. I'd rather go and sit in the garden, put a lovely classical cd on and stitch to my heart's delight.

    Posted 13 years ago #
  7. Christine Berrett

    Hooray - the sun is shining!

    Oh No It Isn't :o(

    Posted 13 years ago #
  8. What have you done Christine. The sun was shining here until you mentioned it now its pouring with rain.I take it thats what happened to you when you got all cheerful about it shining.


    Posted 13 years ago #
  9. Barbara Stone

    Its been a horrible day here (Bristol) all the morning, and now, late afternoon, its pouring with rain. Just been to see The Kings Speech - the music is absolutely fantastic, with Beethoven in the background of the big speech. That cheered the day up a bit!

    Posted 13 years ago #
  10. Brigitte Gant

    This film would even drag me into a cinema. But I know me, I shall wait till it is on the telly and I can pause and get up to make a cuppa - or take it away.

    Posted 13 years ago #
  11. Barbara Stone

    I would urge anybody to go and see it. The courage of the man is incredible. Ithink that's one for the DVD collection when its released. And the Oscar committee agree with me, just heard its been nominated for 12 Oscars. Hope it gets lots.

    Posted 13 years ago #
  12. Andrea Thompson

    I've seen The Kings Speech too and also thought it was fabulous. There aren't many films that I would go to the cinema to see more than once but I am itching to go and see that one again!

    Posted 13 years ago #
  13. Christine Berrett

    Well at least it's summy enough today to hang the washing out. Not too bothered if it's too cold to really get dry - it just smells wonderful for having been outside!

    Posted 13 years ago #
  14. Christine Berrett


    No sooner have I pegged out the last towel when it starts raining. B****r. Had to go and fetch it all in again.

    Not a happy bunny.


    Posted 13 years ago #
  15. I'm trying to get my head round how The King's Speech and wet washing got together in this topic. Maybe his boxers were damp and cold - enough to make any bloke stutter I s'pose.........

    Posted 13 years ago #
  16. Brenda
    I love the way your mind leaps from one topic to another

    Yorkshire is not having good weather. The chickens don't like drizzle, wind or dampness & like to tell me so.


    Posted 13 years ago #
  17. Christine Berrett

    Humph. At least my post re. washing was relevant to the thread title.

    Not sure how "The King's Speech" go in here, tho'?


    Posted 13 years ago #
  18. Helen - how nice to see your name pop up on the forum - hope you are well.

    Amused to see your remark on chickens. When I was a child (just post war) in the east end of London - would you believe - we kept chickens in the back garden. I was frightened to death of the wretched things and they always seemed to know when I had to pop out from the house to the loo (which was in an outside building). They used to chase me from the scullery door round the corner to the loo and I'd jump inside heart thumping and bang the door shut to keep them out! I seem to recall wearing a lot of damp washing at that time - having hung on to the last minute before going to the loo!

    My personal habits have improved since then I have to say - and I rather like chickens now. 'specially with lots of gravy on..............!

    Posted 13 years ago #
  19. Jean Strange

    Hi Everyone
    it is absolutely frezzing here today (Berkshire) even saw a few flakes of that white stuff when going from my room to the main school!! Was very cold yaesrerday too but when I got home last night I had a surprise that cheered me up. I won a prize in the on line prize draw and there was an Evenweave Made Easy kit in a brown envelope well it felt like the sun had been shining and made me feel better anyway.
    Where my daughter works they have chickens and I have heard some choice remarks about wet chickens and getting them into the hen house.

    Posted 13 years ago #
  20. Hi Brenda
    I'm doing well, if now completely bald again
    I like chickens with gravy too, but the girls at the bottom of the garden prefer Yorkshire pud & roasties.
    They are funny & follow you round. They tut when you pinch the eggs though

    Jean the chicks don't like to be wet, but they do take themselves to bed.

    They've seen Chicken Run & keep dreaming up new ways of trying to get out - they'd be good in the Great Escape as they love tunneling


    Posted 13 years ago #

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