Hello all,
Had my 'giggle-ometer' buttons pressed today. Had my eye test letter from Specsavers through the week so rang this morning to fix up an appointment.
On the 'phone:
Specsavers - Good morning, Specsavers ----- speaking, how may I help you?
Me: Good morning. I've had my letter arrive about my eye test check up, so may I make an appointment please.
Specsavers: Certainly - you say you've been here before - what name is it please.
Me: Mrs Brenda Midgley
Specsavers: - Oh yes, here you are - but can I just check the date of birth to make sure it's the right one.
Me: Yes of course - 29.05.43 -(thinking - goodness, just how many Brenda Midgleys are there in this area).
Specsavers - Right. Um, let's see - can you make next Wednesday 20th at 9.30
Me: - Oh brilliant, that suits me very well. Thank you.
Specsavers: - Sorry, before you go - can you manage the stairs?
STAIRS!! - never give stairs a thought!! - perhaps I'm getting old then.................and no bugger's ever told me....... I can well see that next week when I am climbing those stairs I shall start wanting to laugh out loud. Must contain myself.