Monica Langstaff !! - how can you intimate that the Ilford Palais wasn't upmarket - shame on you.... I absolutely loved my Wednesday evenings there. It was Over 21's Night on Wednesday evenings and at that time although there was a bar inside no one under 21 was allowed inside it to drink. Over 21's was just a name really as there were probably lots of us who were only 20 or what have you. So - because we were not allowed in the bar my chums and I would sit upstairs on the balcony bit that ran round the top and have an Ice Cream Soda with Coca-Cola. You slurped the Cola bit through a straw and sucked the soggy ice-cream bit off a spoon. Many happy evenings there. Have very fond recollections of 'Dreamtime' at the end of the evening. The music would be low - always Shirley Bassey singing The Party's Over; the lights would be virtually off - just a glitterball revolving casting sparks of light about - and probably a lot of naughty fumbling going on as couples danced in the dark!
Barbara - no, I can't remember anyone coming round collecting our farthings, but I don't doubt your word. I do though remember the Royal Mint was based at Debden - went out for a while with a chap who worked there during the daytime. Evenings he was my driving instructor - Derek if I remember correctly - but he worked evenings at Kim's Driving School at Maryland Point - do you remember them. I do recall you know Maryland Point as you once said you knew of Pollard's the wool shop where my mum always got her knitting wool from......
Goodness me, what a memory trip we are going on here.....
Oh what a brilliant idea to make masks for the Sainsbury's staff where you live. Well done on that one. As for them being Skull and Crossbones patterned - laughed at that..Sainsbury's workers must all look like bloody pirates at their checkouts! What a hoot!
The transformation challenge on Sewing Bee would have had me scratching my head on what to do with two towels. Can't honestly say how I would describe the 'transformations' but again I would never have been brave (or stupid) enough to wear any of 'em on a beach!
As for the shirts - well, of course, they were all working to the plan for a 'beach shirt', but I tell you if I was on a beach with Geoff wearing one of them I think I'd've walked off and left him to make sand castles on his own........