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(4 posts)

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  1. todsbird

    is it just me i cant get anything to print, ive tried it on 2 pc's both running windows 7

    Posted 13 years ago #
  2. Christine Berrett

    Prints OK on Windows Vista!

    Posted 13 years ago #
  3. Elsa H

    Hi there, I have Professional Cross Stitch Pattern Publisher which is a CSG endorsed product and I think by the same firm (but not 100% sure). I have Windows 7 running on 64 bit and I cannot print either. I contacted the firm and they said to try it on another computer, which I did, on a 32 bit laptop running Windows Vista, and it printed. I am currently still in contact with the helpdesk to try and sort this out. I don't know whether the problem is a conflict with Windows 7 or that my computer is 64 bit. Which is yours? I get an error message saying "Stitch Chart Print Job:1 not printed. Error encountered during print"

    Posted 13 years ago #
  4. Elsa H

    Just an update for anyone thinking of buying Professional Cross Stitch Pattern Publisher instead of istitch- I am now advised by the programmer that it will NOT work on Windows 7 due to the age of the program. Perhaps this is the reason for istitch as a newer product. Good luck to the original poster.

    Posted 13 years ago #

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