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Janes Journal

(8 posts)
  • Started 13 years ago by Barbara Stone
  • Latest reply from Barbara Stone

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  1. Barbara Stone

    Is it just my computer, or is everybody having trouble accessing Janes Journal? A load of gobblydegook appeared when I clicked on it, and since then nothings come up on it. The last time I was able to access it properly, was when she was saying about the Flowery Mead being photographed. (And incidentally I think I'd like to do that one - band samplers seem to appeal to me in some way.)

    Posted 13 years ago #
  2. Christine Berrett


    Might have been a temporary blip - I can get in fine just now. The photograph of the Flowery Mead (23rd Aug) is still the latest entry, tho'.


    Posted 13 years ago #
  3. Hi Barbara

    Christine got in before me. I also am having no problems. But you really must stitch Flowery Mead. You will really enjoy it.I managed to get it stitched except for the extra's that Jane added after before I was forced to stop stitching for the last 5 weeks due to my op.,but everything is looking hopeful and I hope to be stitching ,even if slowly in the next few days.


    Posted 13 years ago #
  4. 140559

    I had the problem too, but then clicked on something and found an entry about the flower book. Strangely this has now disappeared and Flowery Mead is again the oar test entry. Alison

    Posted 13 years ago #
  5. Christine Berrett

    There's a new entry on Jane's Journal now - looks like we won't have to wait too long for the next issue of Stitch That!

    Posted 13 years ago #
  6. Jean Strange

    Barbara signed on at school in lunch break to check Forum, tried Jane's Journal no problem and no problem at home now. If there was going to be a problem it would have been at school as the computers there do the oddest things!! Like I can use the Internet in my Study Centre(building at side of playground supposed to be temporary) but not in the ICT room yet all machines are routed through the same server!!! Just don't know. Technology is a wonderful thing, when it works.

    Posted 13 years ago #
  7. Barbara Stone

    Thanks for all your assistance, but I still can't get it. I've just tried again, and still the flowery mead is the last entry, apart from the rubbish!! And Janes journal, which is actually a site on the computer which comes up when Google does, is still not showing anything new. Must be the wind!!! If it doesn't appear in the next few days, I'll try downloading everything again, and see if I can get it. I'll let you know what happens.

    Posted 13 years ago #
  8. Barbara Stone

    I've got the new entry on Janes Journal, so it must have been my computer having hiccups. Thanks everybody for all your assistance. I must try and finish the tablecloth I bought the first time we went to Paris, before I can start Flowery Mead. My City and Guilds course starts next week, and I started a new patchwork quilt yesterday, so I might be a trifle busy for the next few months. I'll let you know how I get on.

    Posted 13 years ago #

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