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A big groan from Crewe.....

(10 posts)
  • Started 13 years ago by brenda midgley
  • Latest reply from 140559

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  1. Can someone please tell me why - when I got home from shopping this morning - I found I'd scribbled in biro over the front of my coat!.....

    You can guess what's coming next - does anybody know how I can get rid of it? It is a washable coat so at least if I have to dab it with things which in themselves might make a mark if left to dry, I can at least chuck it in the washing machine afterwards.

    Honest to God - how on earth did I do it in the first place. It's only an old coat, but it's a favourite one, bit wrinkled but it suits me (matches the face you see)......

    Thank you; helpful suggestions gratefully received, unhelpful ones only accepted if they make us all laugh. Brenda

    Posted 13 years ago #
  2. 140559

    Don't know why but lemon juice springs to mind. Nail varnish remover might also do the trick. Both worth a try anyway. Can I ask why you scribbled all over your coat?! Alison xxx

    Posted 13 years ago #
  3. Janet Nicholl

    Hi Brenda

    A couple of notes from a "google" search:

    1. Hair spray before washing, apparently the alcohol in the spray gets it out.

    2. - This reply was for a jumper but should work on a coat..... and washing a coat is easier too

    "Ink was one of the stains I used to apply and test (in R&D lab) washing powders (from around the world) against. I would suggest that you try Ariel Automatic.
    Make sure you read the jumper care label before you get the correct water temperature.
    Hand wash the jumper.........and gently rub the stained area to remove the ink. Then, leave the jumper to soak for two hours (in a washing up bowl or bucket)........don't top up/add hot water.......just let the soapy water cool over time. Agitate the jumper/soapy water with occasional stirring.
    Put the jumper through a water rinse cycle in the machine ONLY if the care label permits machine washing, otherwise hand rinse in cool water."

    Hope it helps - Good Luck XX Janet

    Posted 13 years ago #
  4. Barbara Stone

    Cor, don't we have some educated people in the guild? I'll have to use the same advice on removing biro stains, so many thanks janet.

    Posted 13 years ago #
  5. Brigitte Gant

    Brenda, next time better write your shopping list on a piece of paper. I hope you get the scribbles out.

    Posted 13 years ago #
  6. Oh Brigitte - now that is just the sort of unhelpful suggestion I was after - I laughed out loud the minute I read it - thank you for that! and Barbara - you made me smile too.

    Thank you Janet for the info you gave - and you too Alison - surely something in that lot must work. I'll keep you informed.

    Don't know why I decided to scribble on myself Alison - I'd hesitated about putting on the good old trustworthy Navy Fleece to go out it (scribbles wouldn't have shown on that!) but as I was having a real wander around the town I'd decided my favourite beige coat would be warmer. A bit longer in style you see and covers the posterior. (Better not say bum on the forum had I)..............!

    Posted 13 years ago #
  7. ALISON!!! - three cheers from Crewe!

    Nail varnish remover did the trick. Honestly. I was in the kitchen yesterday evening doing the Goddess bit and decided whilst waiting for things to turn into something magical that I'd spread the coat out on the working surface and have a little go with a cotton wool pad and the nail varnish remover. I rubbed away - some bits needed more of a go than others as there were light feathery marks and bolder ones too. Anyhow they all looked as if they were out (the fabric had darkened considerably with the liquid on it) so I then chucked it in the washer and crossed my fingers. Anyway, today the coat looks no different from usual so to say I am chuffed to pieces is putting it mildly.

    For anyone wanting to know a bit more - the fabric of the coat is that 'peached' stuff you sometimes see, so I was able to really rub it. Had it actually been a jumper I think I would have followed Janet's advice as I'm not sure I would have been prepared to rub away fairly forcefully on a woollen garment.

    Anyway, you read it here first, so file that bit of useful information in your brain and as for Alison, well you can give yourself a gold star. Thank you. Love Brenda

    Posted 13 years ago #
  8. Brigitte Gant

    So glad to learn that your coat is as good as new, Brenda. The way you described the material made me think of my daughter in law's dear Mum. She often got a bit confused with words - like myself - and called that peachsurfacestylematerial 'suedette'. And you must have heard of that well known floor covering paraqueet.

    Posted 13 years ago #
  9. Barbara Stone

    What good news - I'll have to remember that tip. Glad your coat is as good as new again Brenda.

    Posted 13 years ago #
  10. 140559

    I'm so pleased it worked out well. Next time though, use paper for your musings! Alison xxx

    Posted 13 years ago #

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