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iStitch query

(4 posts)

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  1. HelenMT

    OK! I give up!

    Since downloading the latest update to iStitch I keep looking through the motifs and thinking that we've been given some new designs.

    I know it's a trivial thing - but, I've always been a bit strange! LOL!

    Can anyone put me out of my misery PLEASE!


    Posted 12 years ago #
  2. Christine Berrett


    Thanks for alerting me to the fact that there is an update available!

    I would expect the updates to apply to the application software rather than the designs. I updated my copy this morning and I've emailed ilsoft to ask for a list of the changes between this version and the previous one. Will post the reply here for info.


    Posted 12 years ago #
  3. Christine Berrett

    Well that was quick! Just had the following reply from Ian of ilsoft:-

    "This version just fixes some problems that a few people have had printing using Windows 7 and certain printers."

    So no new designs....

    Posted 12 years ago #
  4. HelenMT

    Thanks for putting me out of my misery Christine!

    Why didn't I think to e-mail ilsoft?! Typical me - never think of the obvious solution! LOL!

    Oh well, at least I now know.

    Thanks, again, for your help Christine.


    Posted 12 years ago #

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