Hi All - now here's a little poser for you that you might know the answer to.
From e-mails I've seen during the last year I see it is very popular to cover trees/branches in little knitted squares. I think this idea originated in America.
However the valiant ladies who obviously have to climb these trees to accomplish their mission have now taken up camp in Crewe! Over the last few weeks on my weekly drive into Crewe to do my Asda shop I have to pass a little area which is set up as a sort of garden. In the centre is a tree which is gradually being covered by squares of knitting - just like those I've seen in e-mails.
Now can anyone tell me what this is all about. There must be a meaning or story attached to this and I am clueless (nothing new there then); and I would dearly love to be enlightened.
At the moment the weather is glorious here so the knitting has dried off nicely and the squares are clinging where they should; last week, however, the poor old tree - being soaking wet - looked just like we as children did post war years when mum took us off to the seaside in knitted cossies. One wetting and it was down to our ankles.
Looking forward to your knowledgeable comments!