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iStitch problem

(9 posts)
  • Started 12 years ago by HelenMT
  • Latest reply from RozMinis

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  1. HelenMT


    I'm hoping that someone can help me.

    In the past few days, whenever I check for updates on the iStitch software it crashes. Worse still, I've just tried re-installing (just in case there was a problem on my computer) - and I've lost the updates which I did have!

    So, I was wondering if any of you are having the same problem. If not, any ideas as to who I should contact for help?



    Posted 12 years ago #
  2. Christine Berrett


    You're right, I just tried checking for updates and it just hung. There must be a problem at their end - you could try contacting ILSOFT by emailing:

    Unfortunately, when you reinstall from the original disk then you will have the original software, that is to say without any subsequent online updates. Depending on which operating system your computer uses (eg. XP, Vista, Windows7, etc.) you may have the ability to do a system restore back to a point before you reinstalled iStitch?


    Posted 12 years ago #
  3. HelenMT

    Hi Christine!

    Thank you for your post.

    It's comforting to know that it's not my computer that's going wrong. I haven't got the money, at the minute, for a new computer.

    I've tried the system restore function. Unfortunately it didn't make any difference.

    Thanks for posting Ilsoft's e-mail address. I've got family coming over soon. So, I won't be able to e-mail Ilsoft while tomorrow. I'll let you all know what they have to say.

    Thanks again!


    Posted 12 years ago #
  4. HelenMT

    Hi everyone!

    Well, I'm pleased to report that normal service has been resumed!

    As promised, I e-mailed Ilsoft and, within minutes, they got back to me to say that there was a problem on their web site which, after my e-mail, they had fixed.

    After reading the e-mail (and, before writing this post), I checked to see if my iStitch updates would download - and, hey presto, they did!

    I hope that this information will help others with the same problem.


    Posted 12 years ago #
  5. Christine Berrett


    Thanks for getting in touch with Ilsoft and getting it sorted. It sounds like they didn't realise there was a problem until you emailed them!

    Posted 12 years ago #
  6. HelenMT

    You're very welcome, Christine.

    I think that you may be right when you say that they maybe didn't realise that there was a problem.


    Posted 12 years ago #
  7. Valerie

    Well I updated istitch this morning and had huge problems. All my own designs which were in a folder, disappeared! Phoned ilsoft only to get some man who seemed to assume I was some little old woman who knew nothing about computers! After going through a few things he said I must be pressing the wrong things and not what he was telling me! I pointed out I had used computers for a long time and knew my hard drive from my memory! Folder was still lost with around 2 years work! No way could he work it out so I have managed to revert to a previous version myself which at least does have my work in the folder but will never bother with updates again after this and perhaps look for another programme ..he had no right to talk down to me that way and when I found out ilsoft is just 10 miles up the road from and should I go over he said oh no I work from home !! Excellent customer services , from ilsoft not Jane, and what a way to lose customers

    Posted 11 years ago #
  8. junefromak

    After reading this I tried to update my reasonably new version. It proceeded quite normally and then came up with a notice saying it couldn't finish because i "might not have permission" !!! What does this mean?

    Posted 11 years ago #
  9. RozMinis

    I had that problem June, seems one has to run it as an Administrator. Can't remember how I did that, but it was when my lappy was new, sometime last July. Never had that before, but then my previous machine was an aged old thing, so probably hadn't moved with the times!

    Haven't done an upgrade on iStitch for ages, just checked and it is up to date.

    I remember buying the ILSoft cross stitch program way back in the last century when it came on a three and a wotsit floppy disk, or two five and wotsits. Can't remember how much it cost, somewhere in excess of £30. That was in the days before I had a PC, I had am Amstrad 1640. When I invested in a 486 pooter I coughed up over £400 for the Professional version. I then bought the 2000 version, and sort of muddled through with this through several changes of hard drive and a new computer, though there were some 'issues' with Vista.

    As Create & Craft were selling the latest version at £22, and free postage, it seemed silly not to buy it, especially as I had just bought my nice new lappy. Compared to the program I paid £400+ for all those years ago, the new version is fantastic. There were no ready to stitch charts, the destructions were pretty basic, and there were bugs, which required four patches. The charts alone are worth the £22. :)

    I keep my own designs in a different part of my computer. I've never kept them inside the program itself. I was taught many years ago that it wasn't a good idea, especially as it slowed a machine down. Not that one should have a problem with the latter these days, but, well I guess old habits die hard, a bit like saving ones work every five minutes or so, it sort of becomes automatic.

    I also back up my files to an external hard drive or three. One is connected to my lappy all the time, so backs up automatically. The other two I do a backup as and when I can be bothered. :)

    Posted 11 years ago #

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