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2nd Hand Books

(13 posts)
  • Started 13 years ago by Barbara Stone
  • Latest reply from 00560910
  1. Barbara Stone

    I have been given a few cross stitch books, by a friend who no longer stitches. If nobody wants them, I will take them to a charity shop, but I wondered if anybody out there would like them. If you would like details, phone me on 0117 9659917.

    Posted 13 years ago #
  2. Hello Barbara, books on stitching can be as addictive as stitching itself. I now have quite a few and am trying very hard not to 'phone you to add to the pile! To give them to a charity shop - if no-one contacts you - is a good idea. I have picked up some marvellous books that way; notably last November when I was in Romsey for the weekend with our choral society. The weather was abysmal so on the Saturday morning, whilst nothing was going on in the church I trawled the charity shops in Romsey really to just get out of the howling wind and rain. I went into an Oxfam bookshop and found an out of date book of Jane's - Victorian Cross Stitch. I am just so pleased with it as obviously being out of date I would never have been able to order it from the publishers now. I have also before now picked up an Audrey Howard fiction novel in a charity shop in Bridgnorth and tucked right in the middle found a lovely cross-stitched bookmark. It's now housed in one of our Jane's plastic bookmark covers to preserve it and I often use it. I love bookmarks and have several, changing them over periodically for use as I'm reading something.

    Alternatively if you wanted to hang on to the books until you can come to a Guild weekend you could always put one of them forward as a raffle prize - I bet someone would jump up and down with glee!

    Posted 13 years ago #
  3. Brigitte Gant

    Oh, dear, what a tricky situation! Brenda, I have to confess to being a stitching book addict, too. Well, it comes with the territory. I trawl the charity shops at least once a week and have picked up some really lovely books. Jane's 'Victorian Cross Stitch' is one for which I am still looking out.
    Barbara, would it be too much to ask to email me the titles of the books for which you wish to find a new home? Then I could check my book shelf at leisure and not end up with a second copy.
    I am not able to come to a CSG Stitch Day till the December one at Pinks Barn.

    Posted 13 years ago #
  4. Barbara Stone

    Brenda, I'm trying very hard not to take them to a charity shop, and would love to bring the remainder to a guild weekend, but unfortunately, I've only got a little house, and it doesn't have elastic walls. I will try and hang onto them, but as I've only got 6 or 7 left now, (Thanks Brigitte and I'll see you in December) I might be able to tuck them into a little corner until I can get to a weekend. I'll see what I can do!

    Posted 13 years ago #
  5. Brigitte Gant

    Well, would you Adam 'n Eve it? Because it stopped raining yesterday I did my tour of the charity shops while in town and guess what I found? Yes, Jane's Victorian Cross Stitch. How lucky was that?

    Posted 13 years ago #
  6. Barbara Stone

    Why are some people so lucky? That never happens to me. However, among the books that my friend gave me, was Jane's Vicorian cross stitch, so I've kept it. Good isn't it?

    Posted 13 years ago #
  7. 00560910

    Charity shops are always worth trawling through, I've had several used cross-stitch books that way, last week I found a first edition illustrated Watership Down, ummed and aahed, didn't buy it, went back for it and it had gone. i'm also looking for a copy af The Readers Digest Guide to Needlework. My mother bought this for me when I did my 0-level needlework in 1982 then it went to charity. I've been trawling the internet for it and the only copy I can found is in a book shop for over £90. I would sell my soul for it!

    Posted 13 years ago #
  8. Brigitte Gant

    I have made a note of it and will keep my eyes open in future. Will let you know if I am lucky.

    Posted 13 years ago #
  9. Barbara Stone

    Me too!! Even though I've got two in the house already - one was mine, and the other was the friends who was the start of this topic, but has already been snapped up - sorry. But I will keep my eyes open.

    Posted 13 years ago #
  10. If it's Reader's Digest Complete Guide to Needlework that you are looking for. There are quite a few used ones on Amazon at very reasonable prices.
    They vary in price from about £3.94 + postage upwards. I hope that you find what you are looking forward.

    Sally H

    Posted 13 years ago #
  11. 00560910

    £3.94 sounds too good to be true-I remember it was quite a hefty hard backed volume printed in landscape format

    Posted 13 years ago #
  12. Yes it is a hefty hard backed volume, and in a landscape format. I was lucky enough to be given one several years ago. I couldn't believe it either when I saw the prices on Amazon.Good Luck

    Sally H

    Posted 13 years ago #
  13. 00560910

    Blimey, i'm off to amazon right now!

    Posted 13 years ago #

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