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Need Advice on 1st cross stitch experience

(10 posts)
  • Started 11 years ago by almapura
  • Latest reply from Jean Strange


  1. almapura

    A while ago I decided that I needed to find some quiet time in my life, and that a needlecraft might be a good way to do so. I liked the idea of Cross Stitch, so I ordered myself a nice basic kit, here's the link:
    And so I started off, and all went well until I ran out of thread! So I need to know is it normal that kits come with too little thread or is it more probable that I'm doing something wrong. I really think I could get into this but want to get properly started.
    I'm also curious to know if cross stitchers in general do other needlecrafts, the more I look into it the more I want to give all of them a go.

    Posted 11 years ago #
  2. Christine Berrett


    No, it is certainly NOT normal for kits to run out of threads and it's unlikely that you're doing anything wrong, unless you've had to waste a lot of thread by unpicking, etc.
    I suggest that you contact the kit manufacturer in the first instance and if they've got anything about them they should supply extra thread. Of course, if they get 'funny' about it then you just don't purchase kits off them again!

    Good luck.

    Posted 11 years ago #
  3. Tinouche24

    just a thought - did you did split the thread into strands? Each piece of thread has six strands and you usually split it and stitch with 2 or 3 strands depending on the instructions. Sorry if you already know that and I am teaching Grandma to suck eggs.

    Posted 11 years ago #
  4. Brigitte Gant

    Some time ago I nearly made a complete tit of myself when I was about to phone the shop to say that there was not enough thread of one colour when I spotted in the instruction that I should have done the whole area in half cross stitch and not complete crosses. I unpicked very, very carefully to salvage as much thread as I could.
    However, 10 years ago I was nearing completion of Dimension design when I ran out of black thread when it was obvious that I still needed lots. I wrote to them and they sent me more, accompanied by a nice letter. Halfway through the backstitching I ran out of black again. Fortunately a friend was able to supply me with more of the American thread. I wrote to Dimensions again to tell them they needed to increase the black in that kit.
    I am getting fed up with Anchor though. recently I have completed five Anchor kits and each one had either a colour missing completely or not enough of it. Very annoying.

    Posted 11 years ago #
  5. Auntie Beryl

    I stopped buying kits a long time ago . I now buy the chart and use my own threads . I can then change the colours to ones I prefer .

    Posted 11 years ago #
  6. Barbara Stone

    A lot of us cross stitchers do other needlecrafts. I myself do patchwork & quilting in addition to cross stitching, - it all depends on what I feel like.
    But as to the problem of running out of thread, I've run out of one colour thread on several occasions, and when I've contacted the company they've always sent me more, with many grovelling apologies. In addition, they've increased the amount of thread they've put in to further kits. Good luck contacting the company and hopefully you'll get more thread and if they've got any goodwill, your postage refunded. And good luck with any future crafts you decide to take up. Let us know how you get on with contacting the company.

    Posted 11 years ago #
  7. Tina Lamborn

    I, too, have had a Dimension kit in the past and there has been a problem with enough threads in a kit. Fortunately, I have a stash at home and managed to find an acceptable substitute. But the answer is to buy your kits from Jane, there is always plenty of threads so no problems. I too, make quilts, and my other love is making bobbin lace. How to find enough time to do everything? Anyone got the answer please?

    Posted 11 years ago #
  8. Carol

    I usually do my own thing using my massive stash of thread, but in the past I have used kits and Dimensions are fairly economical with their threads. Jane's kits however are so generous that you could almost make 2 pieces from her kits. This is so good because I can get a bit tense when I think I may run out of thread, and rather illogically I tend to want to stitch faster to get to the end before the thread runs out! Isn't that really weird?


    Posted 11 years ago #
  9. Christine Berrett

    Carol, I think we all know that feeling of stitching/knitting faster when the thread is coming to an end!

    Posted 11 years ago #
  10. Jean Strange

    Yes Jane's kits are generous and the only times I have had a problem with any of these was when I had the last "experimental" kit of something before it went on general sale, or if it has been a Pinks class kit where we are trying out a new design. Jane is always willing to send more under those circumstances.

    I have never done a Dimentions kit so can't comment.

    The only other kits I have done in recent years have been from The Victoria Sampler (a Canadian company) or American kits from Just Nan and The Sweetheart Tree all of whom give plenty of thread. Sometimes they do the chart and embellishment kits which include charms, beads etc. and special threads and you provide the DMC threads yourself. There is always lots of the special threads in some cases whole spools of silk!

    Hope you manage to get the threads and enjoy finishing your project.

    Posted 11 years ago #

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