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shaker box

(17 posts)
  • Started 10 years ago by Carol
  • Latest reply from Rita Barron

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  1. Carol

    Well having now totally finished the shaker bnox from Swindon it is looking at me sort of pleading to be of use but rather like cooking where you know how good your bad your ingredients are I am only too aware of the potential fragility of the construction. Still for a first box ever I am inordinately proud of it.

    However I learnt a few things along the way:-

    1. Whilst attaching the sides to the base check that the grain of the silk is going in the same direction on all sides. The square ones can get turned around.
    2. Check and check again that the motifs are in the right place on the band. They can look odd if they are not central on the sides.
    3. It will take thicker wadding than you think. It looks a little deflated now it's finished.
    4. Whilst attaching the band if your thread seems to be getting shorter quicker than you think it should, check it is not cunningly looped around a pin on the previous side. A bit of a shame to find out later.

    Despite all of the above I still love my box BUT it may be a while before I make another.

    Posted 10 years ago #
  2. Barbara Stone

    All good tips Carol. I found out most of those the hard way, when I was doing my City and Guilds and had to make two boxes. I've done mine as well, because I wanted to make sure that my motifs fitted around the box properly, so just got to attach the pin cushion and the scissor keeper to the top, but will do that very soon. Box making is fun, and I've no doubt I'll make another one at some time.

    Posted 10 years ago #
  3. Janet Nicholl

    I am struggling a bit with my box too - also decided to make it up before stitching beyond the first motif on the band to make sure all was in the correct position.
    Maybe we need a demo and tips session from our expert box maker Mrs Midgley ?? How's about it at Leicester Brenda? :-) very very pretty please....... XX

    Posted 10 years ago #
  4. Goodness me! - came onto the website for a quick shufty before lunch and found I've been nominated by Janet Nicholl to help with box making!

    I'm gobsmacked and shocked into silence (takes a lot!) but of course I will be happy to help where I can (I may regret this.....) when we get to Leicester.

    I'm now going to go and have my lunch and then have a lie down - can't cope with all this responsibility..............

    Barbara and Sally H. - I may be shouting 'help' in your direction too at Leicester if you are both going (thank God it's not til November).

    Posted 10 years ago #
  5. Oh - just thought - I should have added -

    Janet. I shall deal with you later.......

    (what fun! - do love you Janet).

    Posted 10 years ago #
  6. Janet Nicholl

    Hi Brenda
    Sorry to have caused your heart to flutter - hope it wasn't too stressful :-) It was only a passing thought as I struggled and gave up with JG's instructions and went my own way! You do make such gorgeous boxes and I have heard from someone else who might remain nameless - Mrs CAB - who says a lesson from you helped enormously.......
    The sun is shining so I guess an afternoon in your garden might help restore your equilibrium.
    (luv u too) :-) XX

    Posted 10 years ago #
  7. Oh Janet - sitting here laughing my socks off - I JUST KNEW Christine Berrett was at the bottom of this!! - the devious woman hadn't said a word to me, just planted a seed in someone else's brain and left them (in this case you)to do the dirty work.

    Hmm. I shall remember that. She loads the bullets and leaves someone else to do the firing..... (oh - actually that's rather apt in your case isn't it! - ha! -I'm funnier than I thought...... now, where's my pin box and effigy of Mrs. Berrett.......

    Posted 10 years ago #
  8. Christine Berrett

    Now hang on a cotton-pickin' minute - this is nothing to do with me!
    EVERYBODY knows that Mrs Midgley is the box-making guru. Mrs Nicholl just put two and two together, and Mrs Midgley has come up with five.

    I'm now going to sit in a corner and sulk (tosses head and sniffs like Lynda Snell).

    PS. Whilst completely inaccurate, I did think the bullet and firing analogy was rather amusing in the circumstances...

    Posted 10 years ago #
  9. Brigitte Gant

    It's just as well I know you. This dialogue is worthy of an Oscar. How do you think of it? Brill. Better than anything on t'telly.

    Posted 10 years ago #
  10. SallyH

    Sorry Brenda won't be able to help as I am not going to Leicester this year as I've booked for Germany and they are a bit close together. Looks like we won't meet up until Swindon next year or at one of the exhibitions.

    Posted 10 years ago #
  11. Janet Nicholl

    Hey Mrs B, don't just blame me! I am certain you mentioned - during your visit down here for WIP & UFO - that you had received a lesson from Mrs M re boxes and how much you appreciated her sharing her skills.......

    I guess there are not too many ladies who combine the diverse hobbies of small bore rifle shooting and needlework but at least one gets me out in the sunshine - b cold on the range yesterday though.

    Posted 10 years ago #
  12. Janet Nicholl

    Hey Mrs B, don't just blame me! I am certain you mentioned - during your visit down here for WIP & UFO - that you had received a lesson from Mrs M re boxes and how much you appreciated her sharing her skills.......

    I guess there are not too many ladies who combine the diverse hobbies of small bore rifle shooting and needlework but at least one gets me out in the sunshine - b cold on the range yesterday though.

    Posted 10 years ago #
  13. Janet Nicholl

    Sorry Mrs B - don't know how I managed to post it twice and I can't find a delete button. Just as well we have an administrator to keep an eye on us!

    Posted 10 years ago #
  14. Rita Barron

    You have no idea how much I am enjoying reading this banter!! You have made me laugh!! Now don't know how I know but someone did tell me you are the queen of box making Brenda! Can't remember who that was??!! So just wondered if you will be in Leeds next month? Would love some tips as any box I make looks well 'wonkily homemade' for want of a better description!!

    Janet I don't know anyone else with such diverse hobbies as you!! You are one amazing person as you do them all so well!!

    Posted 10 years ago #
  15. Christine Berrett

    (turns round from Sulking Corner with large innocent eyes)...

    Did I? In that case, Mrs Nicholl has taken the frame of a passing remark and built a honeycomb on it, ready to receive the golden pearls of wisdom that drop like honey from the lips of Mrs Midgley.

    (See what I did there? There may not be many who combine rifles and needlework, but there must be even fewer who also keep bees!)

    Posted 10 years ago #
  16. Christine Berrett

    (turns round from Sulking Corner with large innocent eyes)...

    Did I? In that case, Mrs Nicholl has taken the frame of a passing remark and built a honeycomb on it, ready to receive the golden pearls of wisdom that drop like honey from the lips of Mrs Midgley.

    There may not be many who combine rifles and needlework, but there must be even fewer who also keep bees!

    Posted 10 years ago #
  17. Christine Berrett

    PS. to Janet - duplicate posts happen, even in the best-regulated families.

    And get deleted as soon as I spot them...

    Posted 10 years ago #
  18. God, is Lynda Snell still in the Archers? and is she still married to Robert?

    Sadly I never get to listen to it these days (was always a must with the Omnibus and Ironing on a Sunday morning) until the Severn Valley Railway entered my life (approx 17 years ago).

    From what I hear of it nowadays though it's just turned into another soap (be it tv or radio) where everybody is bonking everybody else. How sad.

    Don't follow any soaps at all now. They've all degenerated into a mass of people arguing and shouting, and seemingly flitting from one partner to another. Oh, and then of course there's always the token 'gay'. I have absolutely nothing against gay or lesbian people - if a person is kind and loving then they are okay by me, but why is it that there has to be one in every soap. Dunno.

    What really finished me off though was the storyline of Hayley (Corrie for the uninitiated). How you could have someone supposedly on chemo who was charging around like a headless chicken to every party going? I felt it was an insult to all those on, or having been on, chemo who had found it anything but joyful. And everybody said how marvellously Corrie had been scripted during that period - nope, not in my book - touch of the Emperor's Clothes there I think.

    There now, see what you've done all of you, I've got the soap box out (no pun intended) when I could be out in the garden, or stitching.

    Posted 10 years ago #
  19. Barbara Stone

    Haven't you lot been busy insulting each other while I've been away? Came back from holiday this evening, thought I'd take a quick look at the forum, and haven't stopped laughing yet. Sorry Brenda, won't be at Leicester either, cos I too am going to Germany, but if its any help Rita, when you put your box together, make sure your ends go on the outside of the sides of the box, before you slot the base in. That way, it will be square, and then do the same for the lid. I realise I'm probably teaching my grandmother to suck eggs, but hope that helps.

    Posted 10 years ago #
  20. Rita Barron

    Thank you for the advice Barbara and its a great help. I have never been shown how to make a box so just 'go for it' and hope for the best!! I have now been to the framers for some off cuts of mount board so all ready to start measuring and cutting!!

    Posted 10 years ago #

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