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It's Almost Here!

(9 posts)
  • Started 10 years ago by brenda midgley
  • Latest reply from 140559

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  1. Well Christmas is now hurtling towards us at a great rate of knots, so I just wanted to say to those of you for whom I have no addresses that I hope you have a lovely Christmas.

    Held our Carol Concert yesterday and it was a joy to sing. We had a children's choir with us as well (always guarantees a good audience as parents/grandparents/younger siblings and cuddly toys all come to see their little darlings). A group of handbell ringers did their stuff too and it was all rather jolly.

    I had arrived in Nantwich for afternoon rehearsal expecting the car parking it to be hellish - which it was - but joy of joys a white van was pulling out of a space just as I arrived - Yay! - result. We had an almost magical moment of silent communication with me inside my car and him inside his van. He obviously saw my face light up and did a thumbs up to me and gave me a big smile - obviously reading my thoughts. Made me laugh out loud and we both grinned at each other in total companionable harmony..... I shall never make derogatory remarks about 'white van man' again!

    Rehearsal went swimmingly - even our conductor said he was frightened - it was so good he was fearful it might all go wrong at the actual concert!, but several hours later when we were doing the actual thing we sang our best, the audience joined in lustily where they were required and many cuddly toys jigged about in time with the music! How absolutely lovely.

    So - good wishes to all of you. Eat and drink lots of naughties, hope you receive all the prezzies you would like....and that someone else will do all the washing up!

    Fond love, Brenda xx

    Posted 10 years ago #
  2. Barbara Stone

    I just wanted to wish everybody in the guild, a very happy, healthy and stitch filled Christmas and New Year. Hope to see lots of you at guild weekends in 2015.

    Posted 10 years ago #
  3. Carol

    I would like to wish everyone in the guild a very happy Christmas, especially to all those I met this year at Swindon and Leicester. In particular Rachel, Christine, Brenda, Nancy and Francis and anyone I may have forgotten.

    Posted 10 years ago #
  4. Christine Berrett

    Thank you Carol, and the same Very Warm Wishes for the Season from me to everyone who posts on the forum!


    Posted 10 years ago #

    Posted 10 years ago #
  6. Auntie Beryl

    Best wishes from me ,too. I hope everyone has a happy time . Looking forward to seeing you all again in 2015 .

    Posted 10 years ago #
  7. Brigitte Gant

    Thank you for your lovely little story about white van man. That's the spirit.
    All of you, have a lovely Christmas and stay well in the new year. Happy Stitching always!

    Posted 10 years ago #
  8. Rita Barron

    Wishing everyone a very Happy Christmas and all the best for 2015!! Rita xx

    Posted 10 years ago #
  9. 140559

    I hope everyone had a fantastic day and let's hope for a brilliant 2015 xxx

    Posted 10 years ago #

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