Well, we had a good one in our house so I hope you did in yours. Sobering thought though about those poor families in Glasgow for whom Christmas will never be the same.
I know for a fact that it heightened my sense of 'why worry......about dinner being late......about gravy that nearly was lumpy.......etc. etc.' How awful for such a terrible thing to happen.
Just looked out of the window where I am sitting typing - seems like a lot of seagulls are flying around outside as they have spotted some bits and pieces I've just chucked out onto the lawn. I must say they look remarkably clean and white!
We had a light touch of snow yesterday evening but it's all gone this morning. According to the news though it's been worse elsewhere so I hope none of you are amongst those who've been caught up in it whilst out travelling. One lady, talking on the radio, was stuck for three hours in a car with a two week old baby!
Well, this was just intended as a 'keep in touch' message with you all, so I'm off to organise some lunch now. I also must go and organise the DVD player thing. Drama (Channel 20 Freeview) is showing a repeat of North and South (Elizabeth Gaskell) which I do not want to miss. Seen it once before and read the book. One for the ladies and infinitely preferable (to me) than watching James bloody Bond (again) and The Sound of Music (just as equally repeated each year!).....
Keep smiling and stitching. Love, Brenda