The Cross Stitch Forum » CSG Forum

Welcome to the Cross Stitch Guild forum!

(2 posts)
  • Started 15 years ago by Administrator
  • Latest reply from Brigitte Gant
  1. Administrator
    Key Master

    Whether you are a CSG Member or simply a stitching addict, you will find plenty to enjoy. We do anything that is counted including cross stitch, hemstitch, Hardanger, pulled thread and more. There are no tests to join - just love to stitch!

    Posted 15 years ago #
  2. Brigitte Gant

    Good heavens! this was posted 11 months ago, and I only spotted it just now.
    I've joined. Glad there was no test. I would fail, as I am a bag of nerves in tests.
    Can say a wholehearted YES that I love to stitch.
    Love, Brigitte

    Posted 14 years ago #

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