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Leicester 2023

(19 posts)
  • Started 10 months ago by Christine Berrett
  • Latest reply from Barbara Stone

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  1. Christine Berrett

    Paid my balance for Leicester - 56 sleeps to go!!!

    Posted 10 months ago #
  2. Paid the deposits for next week & then got the bill for Leicester the next day !!

    Posted 10 months ago #
  3. Christine Berrett

    Yes, but just think how much fun those payments represent!

    Posted 10 months ago #
  4. Yes, but I could have paid for everything all at once instead of ringing twice

    Who else is going to Leicester?

    Posted 10 months ago #
  5. Christine Berrett

    Well I'm going to Leicester, obvs ;o)

    Posted 10 months ago #
  6. I know Barbara is going as well, but it can't just be the 3 of us

    Posted 10 months ago #
  7. Christine Berrett

    I rather think it's at capacity, I'm sure there'll be lots of familiar faces there!

    Posted 10 months ago #
  8. JeannieQ

    I'll be there - only because Andrea needs my car!! Heather will be there too this time. So 5 of us now.

    Posted 10 months ago #
  9. Christine Berrett

    We'll be very happy to see both of the Elves there!

    Posted 10 months ago #
  10. Barbara Stone

    I'm definitely going to be there, so is Mary, so that's six! And likewise, nice to see both Elves.

    Posted 10 months ago #
  11. Barbara Stone

    How many sleeps now? Really getting excited - something to look forward to.

    Posted 9 months ago #
  12. Christine Berrett

    23 sleeps to go now - getting closer!

    Posted 9 months ago #
  13. Barbara Stone

    Nice to have something to look forward to, especially as Arena cancelled the holiday for next year. I'm counting down the sleeps and getting excited.

    Posted 9 months ago #
  14. Christine Berrett

    I'm very surprised that there weren't enough takers for the French holiday next Spring, I'd have thought it would be very popular

    Posted 9 months ago #
  15. Not long now until we all meet up again

    I think it may have been the cost of the Arena trip that out people off
    I'm sure when I looked the single supplement took it from £1500 to nearly £2000 with dinners on top and the cost of getting to the start point & back

    Posted 9 months ago #
  16. Christine Berrett

    17 sleeps to Leicester!

    Posted 9 months ago #
  17. Christine Berrett

    Helen, I agree that it was probably the cost that put people off the French trip

    Posted 9 months ago #
  18. I think by the time I'd paid Arena, got to the start point & back, ate & bought some treats it could have been £2500
    Can have a lot of bike weekends for that:)

    Posted 9 months ago #
  19. Barbara Stone

    Because Mary and I were going together, it wouldn't have been as expensive for us, and we were going to pick the coach up at either Fairford or Folkestone, so that wouldn't have been as bad either, but I can see how the costs could have risen alarmingly. They offered us a trip on an embroidery holiday in Madeira instead, but we would have had to get to Gatwick by 5.00 in the morning, so that was a big no-no. Never mind, see you all at Leicester instead.

    Posted 9 months ago #

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