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Happy Christmas

(8 posts)
  • Started 7 months ago by Barbara Stone
  • Latest reply from Helen Hawkins-Ainsley

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  1. Barbara Stone

    Just wanted to wish all my friends in the Guild, a very Happy Christmas and a peaceful New Year.

    Posted 7 months ago #
  2. Christine Berrett

    And a Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year to you too!

    Posted 7 months ago #
  3. Jean Strange

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year everyone. Off to the theatre in Christchurch on Thursday to see their Christmas Extravaganza (a sort of pantomime but not a typical Panto story). It will really feel like Christmas then.

    Posted 7 months ago #
  4. Merry Christmas to you all
    Can't wait until we all meet up again at Swindon

    Posted 7 months ago #
  5. Hello One and All...... Just logged in to wish everyone a Happy Christmas. Friday afternoon and it feels like Christmas already (rather than waiting until Monday if you see what I mean)..... Geoff and I will be at home for Christmas, and having seen all the news about the state of travel for just about everybody who is travelling - my God, I am just so glad to not be part of that throng!!

    Recorded last night's Celebrity Sewing Bee but have yet to see it - so that feels like a present waiting to be unwrapped.

    Shortest day yesterday which fills me with glee - yippee, Spring is on its way.....

    Had the added bonus in the morning yesterday whilst idly washing up the breakfast pots, to see a Jay in the garden....Wow!! A Jay! - never had one of those come visiting us before. I consulted my Girls Guide to Birds just to check it was what I thought it was - and yep, it was. So beautiful - and very easy to check in the book - with striations of dark feathers over the head, blue flash on the wings and going to its tail-end of white and black and then just black feathers. It very obligingly stayed there for a good ten minutes, obviously hungry as it was tucking into the bird food I'd put out earlier so I just hope I might see it again another morning. Nothing today sadly, but you never know.

    Anyway, whatever you are all doing - I hope you have a joyous Christmas and wish you all many good things for the New Year. Hugs and love, Brenda xx

    Posted 7 months ago #
  6. Christine Berrett

    Lucky, lucky Brenda, to see a Jay in her back garden! Such a beautiful bird

    Posted 7 months ago #
  7. Barbara Stone

    I do love seeing Jays as their colouration is so vivid. Lucky you Brenda.

    Posted 7 months ago #
  8. We had a Jay come to visit us for a while - such a pretty bird. Got alsorts of different little ones now.

    Wishing everyone a Happy New Year

    Posted 6 months ago #

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