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Swindon 2024

(6 posts)
  • Started 5 months ago by Christine Berrett
  • Latest reply from Christine Berrett

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  1. Christine Berrett

    Got the reminder to pay the Swindon balance this morning

    60 sleeps to go!

    Posted 5 months ago #
  2. Jean Strange

    Got my reminder too. It’s getting closer!! Who else is going? Looking forward to seeing everyone.

    Posted 5 months ago #
  3. Christine Berrett

    And the latest magazine has just arrived - hurrah!

    Posted 5 months ago #
  4. Got the payment reminder on Tuesday - not seen the postman since, so no magazine yet
    See you all there

    Posted 5 months ago #
  5. Jean Strange

    Morning all
    So Christine how long to Swindon? Are we on the countdown yet? Got back from a week away in Tenerife on Tuesday. Had a mammogram yesterday, second shingles jab today. That’s enough excitement for this week!!!

    Got a couple of things on next week then we have the grandsons for 6days over Easter they go home just before we go to Swindon.

    Will be looking forward to a lovely couple of days quiet stitching. On second thoughts might not be quiet but it will be relaxing!!!

    Looking forward to seeing you there.

    Posted 4 months ago #
  6. Christine Berrett

    3 weeks today!! (as at Friday 15th March)

    Alternatively, one week after Easter...

    Posted 4 months ago #

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