Busy few days trying to square up committee work stuff from my association with the Severn Valley Railway. Have spent a frustrating morning trying to find procedures to do with Fire Safety (produced before my time). All I want is to have things tidy before I lurch forward with others in the build up to Christmas. Is Husband helping? - no.
He is busy (he says) with hobby things on his computer - he will no doubt sit there all day - such hard work you understand. I took him a cup of tea which he promptly knocked over - all over his papers, desk, floor, trousers; no doubt burning himself in the process. 20 minute deviation from what I was doing to help square him up. Great, back to Valley work. He goes down to the kitchen to pour himself another cup of tea and knocks over a (full) milk jug all over the kitchen worktop, down the cupboard fronts, on the floor - you name it, it went there.
Why do we take it into our heads at some stupid innocent age that we cannot live without this man in our life? only to find in actual fact that the boot is on the other foot!
I just had to stop all that I was doing to have a whinge on the Guild website. I know there are others out there who will understand my feeling of frustration.
It's made up my mind now, I'm going to sit and stitch all afternoon - I need to create a little oasis of calm and peace to bring my blood pressure down. Brenda