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1st Christmas meal of the season

(13 posts)
  • Started 14 years ago by Andrea Thompson
  • Latest reply from Christine Berrett
  1. Andrea Thompson

    Today is our craft groups Christmas meal. We meet in Stockport twice a month and have got ourselves booked into a pub for their Christmas fayre menu later on today. Just been looking out the window at work and I can actually see the band of snow clouds further north from here (I'm in Warrington), whilst we are bathed in blue skies. The weathr forecasts can't seem to decide if we are going to get the snow today or not, and I can understand why. Just depends how far south that load of snow clouds intends to travel. As long as that cloud band stays put the Crimbo meal is "a go". Looking forward to it :-)
    Really need to get some more embroidery done. I've now put the tree up, virtually finished present wrapping and shopping and done all my cards! Now it's time to relax back and enjoy the cosy evenings in front of the TV with my stitching.

    Posted 14 years ago #
  2. Christine Berrett


    You put me to shame. There you are, all organised and everything, and I've done precisely NOTHING towards Christmas preparations. In fact, I'm seriously thinking of hibernating under the duvet until Spring :o)


    Posted 14 years ago #
  3. I quite liked Andrea 'til I read her piece above. I'm afraid I've been to the Christine Berrett School of Christmas, I too have done virtually nothing.

    Hope you have a lovely meal out Andrea. I shall be at our yoga group one next Tuesday evening. We seem to spend so much time on the floor on our back with our bums and legs in the air I'm not sure Barbara (teacher) will recognise us from a row of faces round the table top!

    Had a nice little stitching session in front of the TV last night whilst ITV1 tried to decimate the entire cast of Coronation Street - must check the stitches before I do any more in case I've put any in the wrong place in all the excitement!. And poor Rita! - possibly dying in a sweet shop - surrounded by CHOCOLATE - I can think of worse ways to go......


    Posted 14 years ago #
  4. Jean Strange

    I am definately not as organised as Andrea. I have got most of the presents bought but NOT wrapped. Made 34 Christmas cards yesterday but none written or posted, husband bought his cards from The Countryside Alliance at The New Forest Show now says he can't find them!! Said "they must be in one of those bags you probably haven't unpacked!!!" He was told he was the one who had them and he had put them away. He did buy the real Christmas tree on Saturday, though it won't come into the house yet. Will be putting up some of my other Christmas ornaments and floral decorations this week. He did also buy a very expensive Christmas light up scene in The Christmas shop at the weekend so can't complain too much.

    Posted 14 years ago #
  5. Auntie Beryl

    I too belong to the Christine Berrett school ! My Christmas does not start until the 14th . The 13th is my younger daughters birthday and I wouldnt allow them to mix.I know she is grown up now and I am sure it does not bother her , but it is a habit I have got into and it is too late to change now !I have got all my cards and most of my presents so I will soon catch up .

    Posted 14 years ago #
  6. Jean Strange

    I know what you mean Beryl, my daughters birthday is the 23rd Dec and mine is the 27th but we still like to try to keep them separate. But it is a bit of a rush to start Christmas on 24th!! She decided when she was quite small that it was actually rather good to have all these sparkly decorations up for her birthday. She is now grown up and married and as long as her birthday is celebrated she doesn't mind all the Christmas preparations too. In fact she has been very busy making decorations for her home and cards to send.

    Posted 14 years ago #
  7. Brigitte Gant

    Christine, the lump under the duvet is I!!!!

    Posted 14 years ago #
  8. Barbara Stone

    I try to be so organized each year, just like Andrea, and normally I have all my christmas presents organized by the end of November. However, having just come back from a really relaxing holiday, I now find, I'm going to be running round like the proverbial headless chicken. Its the 7th December, I've only bought three presents, I have absolutely no idea what anybody else wants, and only the fact that my sister has invited me for Christmas, means that I don't have to worry too much about food. In addition, I've got to work extra days to make up for the time off I had for the holiday, I'm going to Janes on Saturday, and I've got no time to go shopping, even if I knew what to buy anybody. Holidaying in November might be nice (and it was,) but I don't think I'll be doing it again, because I'm so disorganised when I come back. Added to which, the temperature hasn't gone above -4 all day, so I think I'll head back to my duvet, and come back out when its spring.

    Posted 14 years ago #
  9. Christine Berrett

    Cozy under this duvet, isn't it :o)

    Posted 14 years ago #
  10. Christine Berrett

    Back on-thread...

    How was your meal, Andrea?

    Posted 14 years ago #
  11. Auntie Beryl

    The meal was delicious , the company delightful , what more can anyone want . There were 12 of us , just the right number to make it easy for everyone to join in the conversations. We are planning a spring and also a summer meal . Thats if we can manage to find a day that suits everyone.Then there is the card workshop......... Then it will be Christmas ........
    Best wishes for Christmas and the New Year to everyone i know . seeyou all sometime Auntie Beryl

    Posted 14 years ago #
  12. Andrea Thompson

    As Aunty Beryl said - the meal was very nice. :-)
    Had fun and games trying to get into work yesterday. The entire road network in the North West of England turned into a ice rink. Passed 4 cars that were in hedges. :-S

    Posted 14 years ago #
  13. Christine Berrett

    How are the roads with you today, Andrea?

    Over here (not far from you) it's drizzling and the snow has melted - thank goodness! I definitely felt it had overstayed its welcome.

    Posted 14 years ago #

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